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Spray Drift Precautions
- Keep all aerial and ground application equipment maintained and calibrated using appropriate
- Do not make aerial or ground applications during temperature
- Make aerial or ground applications when wind velocity (approximately 3 to10 mph) favors on-target product Do not apply when wind velocity exceeds 15 mph.
- For aerial applications, mount the spray boom on the aircraft to reduce drift caused by wing tip or rotor Boom length must not exceed 75 percent of wing span or rotor diameter.
- When using pyrethroid insecticides, do not apply by ground within 25 feet or by air within 150 feet of lakes, reservoirs, rivers, permanent streams, marshes, natural ponds, estuaries, commercial fish ponds, or other bodies of Increase the buffer zone to 450 feet when ultralow volume (ULV) applications are made. Be sure to observe all other label restrictions regarding drift precautions for pyrethroids and all other insecticides.