Flag The Technology

Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist
By Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist February 3, 2011 10:06 Updated

Flag The Technology

For the past 15 years the only herbicide program that most producers have known was the use of glyphosate in Round Ready® crops. With glyphosate-resistant weeds becoming more of an issue there has been an increase in demand for alternative control options. The Liberty Link® system is a similar technology to Round Ready® in that the non-selective herbicide, Ignite, can be sprayed over the top of emerged crops to control many troublesome weeds. The one drawback to either of these systems is that an ill advised application of either of these products onto a susceptible crop will almost assuredly result in severe crop losses or plant death. Being aware of which technology is planted in a field will be critical in preventing either direct spray or unwanted drift onto susceptible crops.

Flag the Technology- University of Arkansas is a program to distinguish between the different herbicide technologies available in today’s row crop markets. These flags are placed at field entrances and borders to alert applicators as to which herbicide-tolerant technology is planted in that field. The grower needs simply to match flag colors to the corresponding technology in their field [(Roundup Ready = White); (Liberty Link = Bright/Fluorescent Green); (Conventional = Red)]. In the near future additional herbicide-tolerant traits, such dicamba-resistant, 2,4-D-resistant and other combinations, will be brought to market and will further demand increased diligence and awareness to prevent off-target herbicide applications. A quick search of the internet should provide you with some locations to purchase flags for your use. If you have any questions feel free to contact your local MSU Extension Office.

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Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist
By Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist February 3, 2011 10:06 Updated
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