Twitter Capabilities with the Mississippi Crop Situation Blog

Buehring, Former Extension Rice Specialist
By Buehring, Former Extension Rice Specialist April 29, 2011 13:48 Updated

In addition to our weekly email suscriber list, you can also get the updates on your computer or smartphone as soon as they are posted.  Everything that is posted on this blog gets sent to Twitter @mscrops.  You can download the application to your smartphone, set up a Twitter account, and then be a follower of mscrops on Twitter.  This will allow you to get the updates on your phone as they are posted on the blog.  For run of the mill weekly updates this may not be that big of a benefit; however, if an outbreak of pest occurs, you could be immediating informed of the situation and what to do about it. 

If you do not have a smartphone, you can also be updated through Twitter by text messaging.  Basically, once you sign up, you will receive a text message once something is posted on the Mississippi Crop Situation Blog.  Then, once you get to your computer you can actually read the new update.

I am posting this because there are only eight followers on Twitter.  I was really just wanting to let people know there was a way to get the information as it is immediately posted on the blog.  I never thought I would have a Twitter account, but now I do.  Try it out and see what you think.

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Buehring, Former Extension Rice Specialist
By Buehring, Former Extension Rice Specialist April 29, 2011 13:48 Updated
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