Buehring, Former Extension Rice Specialist
By Buehring, Former Extension Rice Specialist July 14, 2011 10:11 Updated

Rice Stinkbug Advisory

As we have expected over the last month, rice stinkbug numbers will be high this year.  After several reports and scouting fields, rice stinkbug numbers are coming in at 50 to over 100 rice stinkbugs per 10 sweeps.  These are the highest numbers I have ever seen.  The current economic threshold for Mississippi is 5 stinkbugs per 10 sweeps during this time.  It will be extremely imperative to actively scout and monitor the situation on a continual basis from here on out.

Stinkbugs are more detrimental towards yield during the first two weeks of heading because they are affecting kernel development.  We have been recommending making the first initial insecticide application at 50 to 75% heading.  Spraying earlier than 50 to 75% heading will likely result in making another application at 50 to 75% anyway.

As we move into the third and fourth week of heading, our economic threshold increases to 10 stinkbugs per 10 sweeps.  During this time, stinkbugs are feeding more on mature kernels; therefore, a reduction in grain quality (pecky rice) becomes more of an issue.

See control options in the Mississippi Insect Control Guidelines. http://msucares.com/pubs/publications/p2471.pdf

In general, pyretheroids do have some residual.  However, the residual control will only last a couple of days at best.  Methyl parathion works well, but it will only kill the rice stinkbugs that are in the field at the time of application.

 One last reminder with the heat, rice stinkbug numbers will decline during the day as they move down lower in the canopy.  It is best to scout early in the morning or late in the evening.  I do realize we cannot check every acre of rice before 10 in the morning and after 5 in the evening.  Therefore, if you are scouting during the hottest part of the day, take that into account when scouting for rice stinkbugs.

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Buehring, Former Extension Rice Specialist
By Buehring, Former Extension Rice Specialist July 14, 2011 10:11 Updated
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