Mississippi State Soil Fertility Manual Now Available

Larry Oldham, Extension Soils Specialist
By Larry Oldham, Extension Soils Specialist March 8, 2012 14:13 Updated
MSU Extension Service Publication 2647, Nutrient Management Guidelines for Agronomic Crops Grown in Mississippi, is now available. It includes:
Introduction to Nutrient Management
The Soils of Mississippi
Plant Nutrients
Introduction to Soil Testing
Introduction to Inorganic Fertilizers
Lime, Liming Materials, and Regulations in Mississippi
Using Poultry Litter to Fertilize Agronomic Crops
Best Management Practices for Nutrients in Agronomic Crop Production
The manual also includes Mississippi State University Extension Service soil testing based recommendations for hay and pasture crops, and annual agronomic crops based on the Mississippi Soil Testing extractant. A glossary of terms used in soil fertility/nutrient management is also provided.
Through a grant provided by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, hard copies are available through the local offices of the MSU Extension Service.
The manual is also posted at: http://msucares.com/pubs/publications/p2647.pdf. In addition to this publication/posting, a new button on the MSUcares Crops and Horticulture click-through at http://msucares.com/ is Soil Fertility/Nutrient Managemet which replaces two older pages. The new page has a brief intro, a by-chapter clickable version of the manual (depending on your browser configuration), and links to many other soil fertility/nutrient management outreach materials.
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Larry Oldham, Extension Soils Specialist
By Larry Oldham, Extension Soils Specialist March 8, 2012 14:13 Updated
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