Insect Trap Counts, June 13, 2012

Fred Musser, Research Entomologist
By Fred Musser, Research Entomologist June 14, 2012 15:01 Updated

Insect Trap Counts, June 13, 2012

Bollworm pheromone trap counts inched higher for a second consecutive week, but are still lower than normal. With much corn past green silk stage, bollworms in the region will be laying their eggs in cotton, soybeans or late corn. Tobacco budworm catches are higher than bollworm catches in the hills, so growers of non-Bt crops in these regions should be aware that they may primarily be dealing with a budworm population and manage accordingly.

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Fred Musser, Research Entomologist
By Fred Musser, Research Entomologist June 14, 2012 15:01 Updated
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