2012 MSU Short List of Suggested Wheat Varieties

Erick Larson, State Extension Specialist - Grain Crops
By Erick Larson, State Extension Specialist - Grain Crops and Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist August 25, 2012 11:08 Updated

Every year the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station conduct Wheat and Oat Variety Trials of public and private varieties. These variety trials are grown in eight locations throughout different growing regions in the state. These trials may be grown on Experiment Stations or grower cooperator’s farms. Variety entry is open for all public or private parties and dependent upon voluntary entry by a respective seed owner for participation.  Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2012

This publication lists those wheat varieties which have demonstrated superior productivity in the MSU Wheat and Oat Variety Trials and summarizes their characteristics. Adaptiveness and performance of wheat varieties often varies considerably depending upon climatic differences inherent in different geographical regions of Mississippi and the Mid-South, particularly as latitude ranges from north to south. Thus, variety performance is analyzed and presented independently for the Delta region, north Mississippi and south Mississippi. This impartial information should help you better assess how many variety traits potentially work to affect wheat performance on your farm next season.

2012 MSU Short List of Suggested Wheat Varieties


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Erick Larson, State Extension Specialist - Grain Crops
By Erick Larson, State Extension Specialist - Grain Crops and Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist August 25, 2012 11:08 Updated
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