Soybean Disease Monitoring: Soybean Sentinel Plot Update and 2013 Soybean Rust Fungicide List

Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist
By Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist and Trent Irby, Extension Soybean Specialist March 29, 2013 13:35 Updated

Soybean sentinel plot situation

To date (3/29/2013), 10 sentinel plots have been planted with a MG IV, V, and VII soybean variety in several key locations, mostly across the southern part of the state.  Additional sentinel plots will be planted during the 2013 season throughout MS to monitor for the presence of soybean rust as well as other soybean diseases of economic consequence.    Last year we were able to detect soybean rust in several sentinel plots prior to detecting the disease in adjacent commercial soybean fields.  Relying on sentinel plots continues to be important for Mississippi soybean farmers.  Funding to continue the soybean disease monitoring efforts and specifically for the planting of soybean sentinel plots was provided by the Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board as well as the United Soybean Board.

Soybean rust reporting for the 2013 season

The telephone hotline that we have relied on in the past was discontinued this winter/spring.  Due to the number (or lack thereof) of people that relied on the telephone hotline over the past four seasons we discontinued to service.  Much of the reporting for the presence and occurrence of soybean rust as well as additional diseases of economic consequence will remain the same with regards to the website situation.  However, stay tuned for future updates on the Mississippi Crop Situation Blog.

Soybean rust situation in other states

At present, soybean rust has been detected in several adjacent states on kudzu and in some rare cases as of a month ago on volunteer soybean plants that were able to survive the winter.  Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana have all reported soybean rust on kudzu.

As we move towards the soybean season we’ve included some information regarding the labeled fungicides for yield loss prevention as a result of soybean rust 2013 soybean rust fungicides.  Keep in mind, in some cases not all fungicides, specifically generic formulations of particular products, may not be included on this list.  Also, if there are specific questions regarding whether or not a fungicide is labeled for use in soybean to manage soybean rust please feel free to contact either Trenty Irby or myself.

Specific questions regarding whether or not a fungicide product is either a strobilurin (QoI) or triazole can be directed to:

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Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist
By Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist and Trent Irby, Extension Soybean Specialist March 29, 2013 13:35 Updated
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