Cotton Replant Costs

Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds May 11, 2013 09:11 Updated

Very little cotton has been planted so far this year given the seemingly weekly rainfall.  What little cotton has been planted has struggled due to cool temperatures, water saturation, etc.  In some cases, fields are not going to emerge to an adequate stand and re-planting will be necessary.  Changes have been enacted with respect to re-plant costs by several companies.  The following information are provided as a guide to these costs; however, any specific questions can be directed to myself or the sales representative for the particular brand of seed you planted.

Dow AgroSciences/Phytogen Cottonseed – In replant situations, the grower will be required to pay 50% of the seed cost.  Technology fees for a 230,000 seed count bag are approximately $333.70 (forWRF) and the grower will not be responsible for this amount.  In addition, growers will also be reimbursed through their dealer for Avicta Complete on Phytogen cotton seed.  Typical seed costs per bag are approximately $150 – 160 which means the grower will be responsible for $75 – $80 per bag for replants.  This roughly equals out to $15-$20 per acre.

Monsanto/Delta and Pine Land –  In replant situations, the grower will be required to pay 50% of the seed cost.  Technology fees for a 250,000 seed count bag are approximately $372.30 (for B2RF and the grower will not be responsible for this amount.  In addition, cost of Acceleron Seed Treatment Products will be 100% covered by Monsanto.  Typical seed costs per bag are approximately $150 – 160 which means the grower will be responsible for $75 – $80 per bag for replants.  This roughly equals out to $15-$20 per acre.

Bayer CropScience/Stoneville Pedigreed Seed/FiberMax – In replant situations, the grower will be required to pay a $25 per bag co-pay.  Technology fees on Bayer CropScience seed products are not broken out on a per bag cost.  However, technology fees for a 220,000 seed count bag containing  Bollgard II are $166.80 as designated by Monsanto.  In addition, tech fees on a 220,000 seed count bag for Roundup Ready Flex are $228.30.  Bollgard II/Roundup Ready Flex stacked gene tech fees are $327.50 for a 220,000 seed count bag.  The grower will not be responsible for technology fees on Bayer products in re-plant situations.  Cost of Bayer CropScience seed treatment products will be covered as well.  A $25 per bag co-pay roughly equals out to $4-$6 per acre for re-plant situations.

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Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds May 11, 2013 09:11 Updated
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