Cotton Layby Herbicides

Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds July 12, 2013 16:07 Updated

Over the last couple of weeks numerous calls have come in regarding layby herbicide programs.  There are several options for layby programs and many have their own favorite program that they have been successful with in the past.  I will outline several programs below; however, keep in mind that there are many more options that what are mentioned below.  These are provided as a point of reference but you are encouraged to use your experience along with this information when selecting layby programs.

Direx, Valor, or Reflex plus MSMA:  Either of these products applied with MSMA should provide good weed control along with residual activity.  Keep in mind that there are label restrictions associated with these. For Direx applications cotton should be 15″ tall prior to application.  Valor applications should be made to cotton that is 16″ tall and Reflex should be applied once cotton has 4″ of bark.  MSMA applications should not be made after bloom.

Caparol or Cotton-Pro plus MSMA:  These applications may be made after cotton is 6″ tall.  MSMA applications should not be made after bloom.

Roundup + Direx:  If glyphosate-resistant pigweeds are not an issue, many still use this type of program.


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Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds July 12, 2013 16:07 Updated
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