2013 Cotton Varieties Planted Report

Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds September 18, 2013 17:17 Updated

2013 Cotton Varieties Planted Report

The United States Department of Agriculture – Agriculture Marketing Service recently released their 2013 cotton varieties planted report.  Based on their numbers, ST 5458 B2F, ST 5288 B2F, DP 0912 B2RF, and PHY 499 WRF were the four most popular varieties planted in Mississippi. The chart below shows the top 12 varieties planted in Mississippi in 2013.  These varieties account for ~92% of the total planted acreage.

2013 Mississippi Cotton Varieties Planted



The full 2013 cotton varieties planted report can be accessed at the following website:  http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/usda/ams/CNAVAR.pdf

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Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds September 18, 2013 17:17 Updated
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