2013 Official Small Plot Cotton Variety Trials – Preliminary Data

Bobby Golden, Rice and Soil Fertility, DREC, Mississippi State University
By Bobby Golden, Rice and Soil Fertility, DREC, Mississippi State University November 26, 2013 15:17 Updated

Find below the Preliminary version of the 2013 Small Plot Cotton Official Variety Trial. During 2013, small plot cotton variety trials were conducted near the following locations; Brooksville, Clarksdale, Itta Bena, Senatobia, Starkville, Stoneville, Tunica, and Verona. Variety trial data is segmented into two trials the OVT and CAST Trials. The OVT contains varieties previously tested and New for 2013 varieties, and the CAST trial consists of highly advanced breeding lines. Proven yielding varieties used for standard check purposes for 2013 were ST 5288B2F, PHY 375 WRF, and DP 0912 B2RF.  Results from 2013 testing can be obtained by selecting the link below. The below link has been revised since the initial posting to correct two year average tables.

2013 Mississippi Cotton OVT.rv3 – preliminary


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Bobby Golden, Rice and Soil Fertility, DREC, Mississippi State University
By Bobby Golden, Rice and Soil Fertility, DREC, Mississippi State University November 26, 2013 15:17 Updated
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