Mississippi Peanut Growers Association Annual Meeting Set for February 12-13, Hattiesburg

Brendan Zurweller, Extension Peanut Specialist, Mississippi State University
By Alan Henn, Extension Plant Pathologist, Mississippi State University and Brendan Zurweller, Extension Peanut Specialist, Mississippi State University February 6, 2014 13:06 Updated

Mississippi Peanut Growers Association Annual Meeting Set for February 12-13, Hattiesburg


The Mississippi Peanut Growers Association 9th annual meeting and trade show will take place at the Lake Terrace Convention Center in Hattiesburg on February 12-13, 2014.  This year’s program stands to be one of the best in the history of the event, with a wide range of speakers from across the peanut industry as well as a larger-than-ever-before trade show.  Please see the event program below.  Anyone and everyone are invited to attend.  For more information visit peanuts.msstate.edu, or contact Jason Sarver at MSU (jsarver@pss.msstate.edu, 859-317-3142) or Malcolm Broome with the MPGA (Malcolm@misspeanuts.com, 601-606-3547).

Event Program for Wednesday, February 12 (click image to enlarge):


Event Program for Thursday, February 13 (click image to enlarge):



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Brendan Zurweller, Extension Peanut Specialist, Mississippi State University
By Alan Henn, Extension Plant Pathologist, Mississippi State University and Brendan Zurweller, Extension Peanut Specialist, Mississippi State University February 6, 2014 13:06 Updated
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