Mississippi Rice Promotion Board Annual Report Available

Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist
By Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist and Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist March 6, 2014 16:15 Updated

Rice research at Mississippi State University is well supported by Mississippi Rice Check-off Program funds administered through the Mississippi Rice Promotion Board (MRPB).  Each year, the MRPB sponsors an annual DSC_0081report highlighting research projects funded in the previous year.

The 2013 annual report is now available online at http://www.rice.msstate.edu/.  This report includes summaries of research in agronomy, breeding, entomology, fertility, pathology, water management, and weed science. Specific articles in the 2013 report summarize information on rice planting date effects on yield and grain quality, final testing of a new Clearfield variety, rice tolerance to a new broadleaf herbicide, and changes in thresholds for rice stink bug in Mississippi.

Faculty and staff with Mississippi State University appreciate their working relationship with rice growers and practitioners in the state.  We also appreciate the support of the Mississippi Rice Check-off Program.  When issues arise that need addressing, feel free to contact any of the scientists that contributed to the report.

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Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist
By Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist and Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist March 6, 2014 16:15 Updated
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