Insect Trap Catches, July 3, 2014

Fred Musser, Research Entomologist
By Fred Musser, Research Entomologist, Nathan Little, USDA-ARS Entomologist and Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist July 3, 2014 16:21 Updated

Insect Trap Catches, July 3, 2014

Bollworm catches were similar to the previous week while tobacco budworm counts continue to slowly rise. Neither is particularly high for this time of year. Southwestern corn borer counts were up sharply this week, with a few traps in the Delta above treatment thresholds for non-Bt corn. However, no county average was greater than 100 moths/trap, so most fields should not experience economic damage from southwestern corn borers at this point. Once corn reaches dough stage, treatment is not recommended regardless of trap counts as moths will seek out other places to lay their eggs.



SWCB 7-3-14

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Fred Musser, Research Entomologist
By Fred Musser, Research Entomologist, Nathan Little, USDA-ARS Entomologist and Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist July 3, 2014 16:21 Updated
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