Trap Counts, July 18, 2014

Fred Musser, Research Entomologist
By Fred Musser, Research Entomologist, Nathan Little, USDA-ARS Entomologist and Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist July 18, 2014 10:52 Updated

Trap Counts, July 18, 2014

Bollworm moth counts were up sharply across the state this week, so higher bollworm larval pressure should be expected over the next 1-2 weeks. Southwestern corn borer counts were high in Quitman, Tallahatchie and Leflore counties, but low elsewhere. Most corn is past the vulnerable window, so only late-planted corn that has not reached dough stage should be considered for treatment. Tobacco budworm pressure remained low for the week.












SWCB 7-18-14

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Fred Musser, Research Entomologist
By Fred Musser, Research Entomologist, Nathan Little, USDA-ARS Entomologist and Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist July 18, 2014 10:52 Updated
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