2014 Soybean Variety Trial Disease Ratings, Part I: Conventional and LibertyLink Varieties

Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist
By Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist November 25, 2014 21:45 Updated
Severe frogeye leaf spot.

Severe frogeye leaf spot.

The soybean entries contained in the Mississippi State University OVT (Official Variety Trial) program were rated for their reaction to foliar diseases during the 2014 season at all planted locations (n=10).  Cercospora leaf blight (late-season Cercospora) and frogeye leaf spot were rated at all locations.  The attached files represent the entries contained as Conventional and LibertyLink soybean varieties.  At some of the locations, Septoria brown spot was rated simply due to the amount of pressure at each of the locations where the disease occurred (Faulkner and Stoneville (loam)).  A map of the locations where OVT locations were based is included to provide a geographic representation of the specific locations utilized (variety trial locations).  Varieties were planted in three separate replications at each location in either three or four row plots depending on planting pattern and space.  The preliminary yield data from the 2014 season can be located at: http://mafes.msstate.edu/variety-trials/includes/crops/soybeans.asp.

All diseases were rated using a scale of 0-9 where 0=no disease present and 9=severe disease symptoms.  Averages contained at the end of each row, across locations, should not be the sole reason for choosing a variety.  Make sure to consider the performance of the variety across multiple locations since disease severity can greatly differ based on the environmental conditions encountered at each location.

At present I am in the process of completing the data analysis for the Maturity Group IV RR and MG V entries.  I’m hopeful these will be completed by the end of the Row Crop Short Course.  Keep in mind that the highlight, italicized variety entries contain experimental varieties.

Maturity Group IV Conventional Cercospora leaf blight (CLB) ratings (MG IV Conventional Cercospora leaf blight ratings)

Maturity Group IV Conventional Frogeye leaf spot (FLS) ratings (MG IV Conventional Frogeye leaf spot ratings)

Maturity Group V Conventional Cercospora leaf blight (CLB) ratings (MG V Conventional Cercospora leaf blight ratings)

Maturity Group V Conventional Frogeye leaf spot (FLS) ratings (MG V Conventional Frogeye leaf spot ratings)

Maturity Group IV LibertyLink Cercospora leaf blight (CLB) ratings (MG IV LibertyLink Cercosora leaf blight ratings)

Maturity Group IV LibertyLink Frogeye leaf spot (FLS) ratings (MG IV LibertyLink Frogeye leaf spot ratings)

Maturity Group IV LibertyLink Septoria brown spot ratings (MG IV LibertyLink Septoria brown spot ratings)

Maturity Group V LibertyLink Cercospora leaf blight (CLB) ratings (MG V LibertyLink Cercospora leaf blight ratings)

Maturity Group V LibertyLink Frogeye leaf spot (FLS) ratings (MG V LibertyLink Frogeye leaf spot ratings)

Maturity Group V LibertyLink Septoria brown spot ratings (MG V LibertyLink Septoria brown spot ratings)

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Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist
By Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist November 25, 2014 21:45 Updated
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