Lower Cost for Poultry Litter Analysis in Mississippi

Larry Oldham, Extension Soils Specialist
By Larry Oldham, Extension Soils Specialist December 4, 2014 16:04 Updated

Earlier this year the Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory lowered the fee for poultry litter analysis.

Nutrient content of litter used for fertilizer varies up to 60%. Crop producers should have a recent analysis of litter so appropriate land application rates are used.

Previously many growers used less expensive laboratories in Louisiana and Arkansas for their analyses.  However, the fee charged by the Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory for testing chicken litter is now $35. This is comparable or less than the fees charged by the neighboring state labs.

Lab reports will include total nitrogen (N), phosphate, potash, moisture, and pH levels. The fertilizer values are used to determine how much to apply.

Growers should send a quart-sized sealable bag of litter, with a completed form available at http://www.mscl.msstate.edu/ to:


Mississippi State Chemical Lab

310 Presidents Circle 1145 Hand Lab

Box CR

Mississippi State, MS 39762


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Larry Oldham, Extension Soils Specialist
By Larry Oldham, Extension Soils Specialist December 4, 2014 16:04 Updated
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