2014 On-Farm Cotton Variety Trial Data

Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds January 16, 2015 16:12 Updated

Final data for the 2014 Mississippi State University on-farm cotton variety trials can be accessed by clicking on the link below.  Glyphosate-tolerant variety trials were conducted at 17 locations in 2014 and data are presented in the following manner:  all locations pooled together, irrigated trials, dryland trials, trials conducted in the Delta, trials conducted in the hills, and individual location data.

Sincere gratitude is expressed to all growers, consultants, agronomists and MSU personnel who conducted and/or assisted with these trials.  These data would not be possible without your help.

2014 On-Farm Cotton Variety Trial Data

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Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds January 16, 2015 16:12 Updated
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