Updated 2015 Grain Sorghum Enterprise Budget
Updated 2015 Mississippi Grain Sorghum Enterprise Budget
Updated 2015 Mississippi Grain Sorghum Enterprise Budget
Wheat diseases can be observed in almost any wheat field throughout the season. However, when wheat moves beyond the tillering growth stages scouting for the presence of foliar diseases should be conducted. Many, but not all of the foliar disease encountered in MS can result in a yield loss. But, additional issues encountered in wheat fields can oftentimes be easily confused for foliar diseases.
It is not just a song, a new conversation about an old concept is happening in soil fertility management. I started working with soils/soil fertility/nutrient management/soil management 29 years ago this March at the West Kentucky Research and Extension Center
Burndown herbicides programs for soybean must often be addressed on a field-by-field basis.
While we wait for the fields to dry up enough to get the 2015 planting season underway, here are a few peanut-related issues to pay attention to going into the season. – Jason Sarver • Inoculant usage continues to be
There are a multitude of 2,4-D and dicamba formulations labeled for application to agricultural fields.
The tarnished plant bug is the most important insect pest of cotton in the Mississippi Delta. Management with insecticides has become difficult in recent years and more tools are needed to economically manage this pest. Although it is early March and we are getting pair of unusual winter storms in the Delta, it is not too early to start making a plan for managing tarnished plant bugs in cotton. We have done a lot of research over the last several years with the goal of making tarnished plant bug management more economical for producers without sacrificing yield. See the attached document for more details on the best management practices listed below.