Rapidly Emerging Cotton and Herbicide Use

Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds May 9, 2015 06:56 Updated

Several calls have came in this week regarding cotton emerging quicker than anticipated and not having a residual, PRE herbicide applied yet.  Growers are racing to get this crop in the ground and some are finding it difficult to get this crop planted and sprayed prior to emergence.  More specifically, several folks have inquired about using Cotoran on cotton that is cracking through the soil and is in the crook stage or have cotyledons unfolding.  While Cotoran has been historically used POST as a salvage treatment, I would advise against using it on cotton that is cracking the ground as previously mentioned.  Very young cotton tends to be sensitive and this application may injure your cotton more than you would like.  If you have cotton emerging and do not have a residual down as of yet, I would suggest moving away from Cotoran and look at products that carry PRE or POST labels such as Dual Magnum (or similar products) or Warrant.  Prowl is labeled PRE of POST; however, POST applications must occur between the four and eight leaf stage.

The biggest concern with early season injury from herbicide application is always yield; however, concerns also exist regarding thrips management.  Everyone is aware of the situation in Mississippi with thrips and delaying early season growth due to herbicide injury only increases the chance that you will have to spray for thrips.  Choose the safest approach for residual weed control and give your cotton crop the best start possible in order to facilitate maximum early season growth and yields.

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Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds May 9, 2015 06:56 Updated
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