Mississippi Cotton – New Yield Record in 2014

Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds May 15, 2015 14:25 Updated

Mississippi cotton growers produced a tremendous crop in 2014.  The USDA recently revised production statistics for Mississippi and Mississippi growers once again set a new yield record.  Averaged over the entire state, Mississippi produced 1232 pounds of lint per acre which exceeds the previous yield record (from 2013) by 29 pounds per acre.  Since 2001, Mississippi growers have only produced one crop (in 2009) that averaged less than 900 pounds per acre.  Keep in mind that in 2009, rainfall began in September and did not quit until late October which severely reduced yields throughout the state.

Cotton yields have been increasing since the beginning of the new millennium.  Yields were in the 640 – 930 pound range from 1999 – 2003.  2004 saw a tremendous crop that averaged 1,014 pounds per acre; however, yields the following two seasons ranged from 830 to 860 pounds per acre.  From 2007 to 2011 (with the exception of the aforementioned 2009) yields ranged from 911 – 972 pounds per acre.  Cotton yielded 1,014; 1,203; and 1,232 pounds per acre in 2012; 2013; and 2014, respectively.  For those that have grown or helped grow these crops, congratulations are in order for your achievements.

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Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds May 15, 2015 14:25 Updated
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