Surge Valve Update/P&R Jr. III Controller Limitations

Drew Gholson, Irrigation Specialist
By Dan Roach, Ext. Associate and Drew Gholson, Irrigation Specialist July 2, 2015 09:43 Updated

Surge Valve Update/P&R Jr. III Controller Limitations

P&R JrIIIP&R Surge Systems manufacture two surge valve controllers, the Star and the Jr.III.  The Star controller is totally digital and much more flexible in programming.  The Jr.III, being the more economic controller, lacks many of the features as of the top of the line, Star controller.  If you are using a Jr.III you need to understand its limitations.

When programing the advance cycle of the Star controller for a silt loam soil type, producers need to determine the “Out Time” from past experience. Typically if a field required 24 hours to reach the tail ditch prior to the installation of a surge valve, you would set the Advance Cycle to ½ of the Out Time + one hour or 13 hours. Verification of the actual time required to reach the tail ditch is imperative.  Once any surge valve has progressed to the soak cycle, you can not return to the advance cycle if the water fails to reach the tail ditch.

When programing the advance cycle of the Star controller for a clay soil types, producers need to refer to the Phaucet or Pipe Planner printout for the time required to apply 3 acre inches and set the advance cycle accordingly. For example, if the printout says that 22 hours are required to apply 3 acre inches, the advance cycle would be set for 22 hours. After setting the advance cycle time producers need to adjust the total number of cycles per side for the valve to complete. It is recommended to subtract two cycles from the value displayed on the controller, but never less than a total number of 3 cycles. Press the “custom” tab, lets say the controller displays 6 cycles per side, use the down arrow key to subtract 2 cycles from the number of cycles per side (#cycles/side).  The display should display 6-2. (or 4 cycles per side)  Never use less than 3 cycles per side, so if the controller displays 4 cycles per side, do not subtract the recommended two, use 4-1. (3 cycles per side)  Please see example at bottom.

The Star controller also allows the option under the Custom setting tab to set the percentage of each set where producers have irregular shaped fields.  If you had a 40 acre field that had 10 acres on one set and 30 acres on the other, under the Custom settings you would select 25% and 75% respectively.

Producers need to be aware that the Jr.III controller is limited to a maximum advance cycle time of less than 26 hours. Also, the Jr.III does not allow producers to custom select the number of cycles per side. Lastly, producers will not be able to custom select irrigation time percentages for irregular shaped fields.  The Jr.III has utility, producers just need to be aware they are limited.

P&R Surge Valves Instructional Video

Surve settings

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Drew Gholson, Irrigation Specialist
By Dan Roach, Ext. Associate and Drew Gholson, Irrigation Specialist July 2, 2015 09:43 Updated
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