MSU Seed Technology Short Course – August 4 and 5, 2015
The 2015 Seed Technology Short Course titled “Storing for Quality” will be held Aug. 4-5 at the Bost Extension Center at Mississippi State University. The short course was designed with input from an industry-wide advisory board for seed industry professionals and scientists. Seed storage topics will be addressed such as harvest practices, postharvest management, moisture, drying, aeration, sampling, testing, pests, and maintaining quality in storage.
Though the course’s primary audience is seed industry professionals, short course information will be useful for people wishing to improve their commodity storage practices. In-serviced credit and commercial applicators renewal credits are available. Registration is $40 which includes snacks, lunches, and a dinner social. Commercial applicator recertification for seed treatment (IV) and demonstration/research (X). CCA continuing education units for IPM (0.5), CM (6.5), and PD (1.0).
To register and for additional information please visit
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