Pheromone Trap Counts, July 17, 2015

Fred Musser, Research Entomologist
By Fred Musser, Research Entomologist, Nathan Little, USDA-ARS Entomologist and Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist July 17, 2015 17:58 Updated

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After rising for several weeks, bollworm pheromone trap counts decreased some in the southern Delta region while slightly increasing in the hills and North Delta regions this week. This likely indicates that we are at peak moth flight for this generation. Small larvae will be abundant over the next 1-2 weeks, so scouting for this insect should be intensified at this time. Tobacco budworm counts are still low and are unlikely to be an economic pest at this time. Data for southwestern corn borer are not available at this time, but will be added as soon as available. TrapCounts7-17-15

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Fred Musser, Research Entomologist
By Fred Musser, Research Entomologist, Nathan Little, USDA-ARS Entomologist and Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist July 17, 2015 17:58 Updated
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