Entries Due Soon for Mississippi Soybean Yield Contest

Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist
By Trent Irby, Extension Soybean Specialist and Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist July 20, 2017 12:29 Updated

Entries Due Soon for Mississippi Soybean Yield Contest

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Entires for the 2017 Mississippi Soybean Yield Contest are due on August 1, 2017.  Entry Forms can be found at the Mississippi Soybean Association website: www.mississippisoybeanassociation.com.


Some entries have been getting sent back if sent to the address on the Entry Form.  If you are planning on mailing in your entry please use this address instead:

John Orlowski

P.O. Box 197

Stoneville, MS 38776.


Here are a couple points of clarification about the contest:

  • Only the area harvested for the yield contest has to be a square or rectangle.  The field that the harvested area for the yield contest is in can be any shape.
  • For the maximum economic yield contest categories, you do not to give the actual price that you paid for whatever input reported on the Production Form.  Costs for various management practices will be drawn from the Mississippi State Crop Budgets for analysis of economic yield.
  • Only one entry per legal entity.


Any questions about the contest feel free to contact us or your county Extension Agents.

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Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist
By Trent Irby, Extension Soybean Specialist and Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist July 20, 2017 12:29 Updated
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