2016 MSU Cotton OVT Data – Updated 12/15/2016

Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds December 7, 2016 15:42 Updated

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Data for the Mississippi Cotton Official Variety Trial (OVT) program has been collected, analyzed, and complied for publication.  Small plot OVT trials were conducted in 10 locations in 2016 with plots consisting of 2 rows that were 35 – 40 feet in length depending on location.  All trials were treated conventionally with respect to herbicides.  In addition, two applications of Prevathon were made at all locations in order to conduct a fair comparison between conventional and Bt varieties.

2016 MSU Cotton OVT Publication

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Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds December 7, 2016 15:42 Updated
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