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Posts From Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist

ALERT: Bacterial Blight of Cotton Updated

🕔21:04, 15.Jul 2011

Several fields of cotton in the Delta, as well as one field in Monroe County exhibiting symptoms of bacterial blight have been detected over the past 5 days.  In addition, a significant acreage of cotton in Arkansas has been determined

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Corn Foliar Disease Update: July 8, 2011 – Southern Corn Rust Detected at LOW LEVELS Updated

🕔07:04, 8.Jul 2011

Southern corn rust was detected in Coahoma County yesterday at VERY LOW LEVELS. This does NOT mean that a fungicide application is necessary especially since most corn has reached the dent stage throughout the general area. To date this has been the only southern rust detected in MS.

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Cotton Foliar Disease and Fungicide Application Updated

🕔13:34, 1.Jul 2011

The incidence of foliar disease in cotton across MS have been on the rise over the past 5 years. In addition, fungicide applications have been suggested as a means of managing the leaf spots and increasing yield. Research trials conducted at MSU and elsewhere suggest that fungicides aren’t beneficial when it comes to enhancing cotton yield.

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Corn Foliar Disease Update: June 24, 2011 Updated

🕔20:16, 24.Jun 2011

At present there is still little to no foliar disease in the majority of the corn crop.  Many of the calls I’ve received over the past 7 to 10 days have dealt with sun scald, herbicide injury or urea burn

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Soybean Disease Calendars for Maturity Group IV and V Soybean Updated

🕔10:53, 20.Jun 2011

One of the biggest questions I receive each year has to do with whether or not a specific disease is present on soybean at a particular time.  Most and I say most since this is a statement that can differ

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Corn Foliar Disease Update: June 15, 2011 Updated

🕔22:14, 15.Jun 2011

At present, low levels of foliar disease continue to be reported from some corn fields throughout the Delta.  Over the past week more common rust has been identified throughout the corn canopy.  I’ve received several telephone calls questioning whether or

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General Corn Foliar Disease Update: June 8, 2011 Updated

🕔23:06, 8.Jun 2011

At present, and generally due to the hot and dry conditions, little if any foliar disease is present in the Mississippi corn crop.  On Friday (June 3) I scouted fields in the Tchula/Thornton area.  The particular fields were dryland corn

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Soybean Seedling Disease and Fungicide Seed Treatment Issues to Consider Following Flooded Soils Updated

🕔14:52, 4.Jun 2011

Pythium seedling diseases and fungicide seed treatments Little if any information seems to exist regarding the specific fungicide seed treatment suggestions that would follow extended periods of soil flooding.  In the past, most of the published research has been conducted

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Mississippi Soybean Sentinel Plot Update and Regional Soybean Rust Situation Updated

🕔07:13, 4.Jun 2011

Funding has been secured to monitor for soybean rust from the United Soybean Board and to conduct a general soybean disease monitoring program through funding from the Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board.  As in the past, soybean sentinel plots were planted

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The corn fungicide dilemma: when should a fungicide be applied? Part V of V, preventing yield loss from foliar disease Updated

🕔16:15, 29.May 2011

Over the past 4 updates I’ve attempted to present data that suggests the best time to apply a fungicide is in response to a foliar disease that could potentially reduce yield.  In many situations particular fungicide products are being touted

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The corn fungicide dilemma: when should a fungicide be applied? Part IV of V, standability/lodging Updated

🕔11:05, 28.May 2011

Much has been made of the ability of strobilurin fungicides to prevent corn from lodging, typically towards the end of the season.  Since 2007 I have received countless calls that have gone something like “we sprayed a field with fungicide

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The corn fungicide dilemma: when should a fungicide be applied? Part III of V, green leaf material as measured by percent chlorophyll Updated

🕔15:09, 27.May 2011

Since 2007, fungicide products containing a strobilurin active ingredient have been suggested to increase plant “greenness” or allow the plants to stay greener longer in the field following a tassel (VT) application.  Increased green plant tissue has been stated to

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The corn fungicide dilemma: when should a fungicide be applied? Part II of V, irrigated versus non-irrigated situations Updated

🕔22:45, 26.May 2011

From 2007 through 2009 Mississippi State University extension and research personnel were involved in a large corn fungicide research effort funded by the Mississippi Corn Promotion Board.  Except for situations where corn was planted on experiment stations (Brooksville, Pontotoc, Raymond,

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The corn fungicide dilemma: when should a fungicide be applied? Part I of V, yield in the absence of measureable disease Updated

🕔12:49, 23.May 2011

To keep each of the sections short I’ve separated the entire segment regarding fungicide application in corn into 5 general segments. 2011 marks my 5th season with Mississippi State University.  Since I started this job on May 15 2007, one

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Bacterial leaf streak and black chaffe of wheat Updated

🕔09:41, 15.May 2011

Over the past few weeks I’ve received numerous calls regarding wheat leaves and heads that have gone from not presenting disease-like symptoms to presenting disease symptoms in a short period of time.  In addition to leaf symptoms (see top photo),

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Wheat fungicide pre-harvest intervals Updated

🕔13:03, 29.Apr 2011

Over the past week I have continued to receive calls regarding the fungicide application restrictions in wheat.  The specific wheat pre-harvest intervals are set to reduce the likelihood of a residue issue at the elevator.  I do realize there has

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Mississippi Wheat Disease Update Updated

🕔14:14, 15.Apr 2011

Currently, the wheat crop continues to be mostly disease free. The majority of the wheat crop is heading to flowering depending on the geographic location within Mississippi. At present, the two most prevalent diseases are leaf and stripe rust.

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Mississippi Wheat Disease Update and Fungicide Decisions Updated

🕔20:54, 24.Mar 2011

Mississippi Wheat Disease Update and Fungicide Decisions At present there is little to no disease in the Mississippi wheat crop. On Monday, low levels of powdery mildew were detected in a research plot in Stoneville. In addition, low levels of

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