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Cooperative Standards for the Coexistence of Row Crop Farmers and Beekeepers Adopted in Mississippi Updated

🕔09:30, 30.Jan 2014

Over the last several years there has been a media blitz surrounding the decline in honey bee populations around the globe. It seems like the science changes daily as to cause of the problem. Most believe it is a complex

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Delta Ag Expo, Cleveland, MS – January 23 & 24, 2014

Delta Ag Expo, Cleveland, MS – January 23 & 24, 2014 Updated

🕔11:08, 11.Jan 2014

Attached please find the agenda for the Delta Ag Expo in Cleveland, MS. Make careful note that the dates of the meeting have changed from previous years due to a minor scheduling conflict with the Bolivar County Exposition Center.

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2013 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔16:10, 5.Nov 2013

The 2013 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Bost Extension Center on the campus of Mississippi State University from December 2 – 4, 2013.  The 2013 Row Crop Short Course will begin with an irrigation symposium hosted

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Italian Ryegrass Control in Winter Wheat Updated

🕔12:46, 1.Nov 2013

Italian ryegrass is a serious weed in wheat production and continues to spread across much of Mississippi. The increasing prevalence of Italian ryegrass in grower fields is compounded by the lack of control from many commonly used herbicides, such as ALS inhibitors and glyphosate.

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Evaluation of Wheat Varieties for Metribuzin Tolerance Updated

🕔12:43, 22.Oct 2013

Metribuzin is an important herbicide for controlling numerous weed species in wheat. However, wheat varieties may differ in tolerance to metribuzin. This article shows our evaluations of wheat varieties included in the current MSU Wheat Variety Trials for metribuzin tolerance. This should help you better assess potential for wheat crop injury.

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Joint MEA/MAPPAN/MWSS Annual Meeting and Roundtable Discussion Updated

🕔11:29, 16.Oct 2013

The 3rd annual joint MEA/MAPPAN/MWSS annual meeting will be held next week at the Bost Extension Building in Starkville, MS next week.  The dates of the meeting are Monday and Tuesday October 21-22.  We have a very informative and exciting

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2013 MSU Short List of Suggested Wheat Varieties Updated

🕔12:30, 24.Sep 2013

This publication lists those wheat varieties which have demonstrated superior productivity in the MSU Wheat and Oat Variety Trials and summarizes their characteristics. This impartial information should help you better assess wheat varieties and pick those suited for your farm this season.

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Crop Progress & Condition Report 5/19/2013

Crop Progress & Condition Report 5/19/2013 Updated

🕔07:43, 22.May 2013

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 4.5 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 19, 2013. Favorable conditions allowed for more field work to be completed. Operators were able to plant more corn, soybeans, and cotton. Soil moisture was rated 1 percent very short, 1 percent short, 52 percent adequate, and 46 percent surplus.

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Wheat Leaf Topics and Physiological Leaf Spotting Updated

🕔13:54, 11.May 2013

Oftentimes dealing with foliar wheat diseases can be a confusing topic. More often than not, physiological leaf spotting, or genetic leaf spot, can be observed in most wheat fields after flowering stages. However, the leaf spot symptoms are occasionally misdiagnosed as early leaf rust symptoms. But, rarely have I observed a disease epidemic in a situation where the specific “flecking” symptoms are regularly observed.

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Wheat Disease Update: May 4, 2013 Updated

🕔15:32, 4.May 2013

Scattered reports of wheat diseases have been made over the past two weeks. Limited leaf rust, stripe rust, and Septoria leaf blotch can be observed in some wheat fields. In addition, in some situations bacterial leaf streak can be readily observed on flag leaves in some limited situations. In some cases, bacterial leaf streak and Septoria leaf blotch can appear similar to one another. In most cases, Septoria leaf blotch can be observed in the lower canopy and likely will not move up the plant to the flag leaf. However, bacterial leaf streak can be more readily observed on flag leaves in some fields.

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Stink Bug Numbers Increasing in Heading Wheat Updated

🕔07:59, 30.Apr 2013

I am starting to get numerous calls about stink bugs in heading wheat. It is not uncommon to find stink bugs in wheat after head emergence.  However, it takes extremely high numbers to cause economic damage to heading wheat. With this

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Chase the Sprayer with the Planter Updated

🕔12:18, 26.Apr 2013

Historically, we have chased the planter with the sprayer to apply residual herbicides. This presents several potential problems…

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Wheat Disease Update: April 20, 2013 Updated

🕔09:30, 20.Apr 2013

Wheat disease continue to be discussed throughout MS. Generally speaking, stripe rust has not been near the widespread threat this season as it was during the 2012 wheat crop. Scout wheat fields for the presence of diseased and relate this to the specific variety in each field when determining particular management alternatives. Keep in mind, the general cut off date for fungicides is Feekes 10.5.1.

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USDA Crop Progress and Condition Report for Mississippi

USDA Crop Progress and Condition Report for Mississippi Updated

🕔15:42, 15.Apr 2013

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 2.7 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, April 14, 2013. Dry conditions during the first half of the week allowed for some fieldwork to be done. Wet conditions in the last half of the week slowed or stopped all fieldwork. Soil moisture was rated 40 percent adequate, and 60 percent surplus.

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Tebuconazole Label Restrictions in Wheat Updated

🕔12:49, 2.Apr 2013

Please see the attached information regarding the use of products that contain tebuconazole to manage wheat diseases. Note that the label restricts the overall amount of tebuconazole that can be applied to wheat in any one season to 4 fl oz/A.

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Wheat Disease Update: March 30, 2013 Updated

🕔09:45, 30.Mar 2013

Stripe rust continues to be observed throughout scattered fields in the Delta. In addition, leaf rust was confirmed in isolated cases over the past week. Keep in mind that not all fields will require a fungicide application to prevent yield loss. Scout wheat fields at this time for stripe rust hot spots (small in size = less than 3 feet in diameter; to large in size = several trucks) and determine the wheat variety present before deciding on a fungicide application.

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Prospective Plantings and Grain Stocks Updated

🕔16:13, 28.Mar 2013

USDA released their annual Prospective Plantings report and quarterly Grain Stocks reports today (Mar 28). The acreage report was largely in-line with pre-report expectations, but the stocks report had quite a shock for corn supplies and a slight surprise for

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Wheat Disease Update: March 23, 2013 Updated

🕔11:38, 23.Mar 2013

Additional stripe rust has been detected throughout the MS Delta over the past two weeks. Scout fields for the presence of stripe rust to determine the extent of the infection in the wheat production area. Keep in mind that stripe rust will appear different on younger wheat plants still in the early vegetative stages than it does on more mature wheat plants.

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The Fungicides Updated

🕔14:50, 19.Mar 2013

Throughout the season many ag-related professionals ask questions about particular fungicides. More specifically, sometimes it can be confusing to determine if a particular product falls in the strobilurin class of fungicides or the triazole class of fungicides. The current update includes information to help determine the particular class of fungicides for strobilurin, triazole, and pre-mix products using fungicides labeled for application in soybean as an example.

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Fungicide Applications in Wheat: Targeting Disease to Prevent Yield Loss (updated 3/13/13) Updated

🕔21:19, 11.Mar 2013

Deciding on a specific fungicide depends on the particular disease in the field. Also, response of a fungicide, as related to wheat yield, will depend on the particular disease, susceptibility of a particular variety, as well as the fungicide applied and at what growth stage the application is made. Results from two 2012 foliar fungicide trials are included to aid in fungicide selection. Keep in mind, that overall yield responses are the result of the fungicide’s efficacy when management the disease observed.

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Wheat Stripe Rust Detected in Mississippi Updated

🕔12:34, 28.Feb 2013

Stripe rust was positively confirmed in two wheat fields near Greenwood, MS on Monday, February 25, 2013. At this time, with the fluctuating environment we are observing the situation prior to making a management decision since cooler temperatures may reduce the likelihood of spread within the two fields. In addition to information regarding the current situation information is included to tell the difference between leaf, stripe, and stem rust in our production system.

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2013 Mid-South Farm and Gin Show – Irrigation Seminar Updated

🕔16:40, 18.Feb 2013

The 2013 Mid-South Farm and Gin Show will be held on Friday, March 1 and Saturday, March 2 at the Memphis Cook Convention Center.  Show hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, March 1 and 9:00 a.m. to

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2013 Spring Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations for Wheat Updated

🕔21:42, 14.Feb 2013

Wet, saturated soils certainly complicate issues associated with nitrogen fertilization of wheat fields in the Mid-South, and we have had our fair share early this spring. This article gives guidelines for getting better wheat response to your fertilizer dollars.

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Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition Updated

🕔12:38, 8.Feb 2013

On February 7th 2013, Mississippi State University hosted the first annual “Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition”. The goals of this event were to provide students an opportunity to present their research findings to a diverse audience that included growers, consultants and industry personnel and interact with people from different segments of the agricultural community.

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Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition Updated

🕔14:26, 25.Jan 2013

On February 7th 2013, Mississippi State University will host the first annual “Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition”. The competition will be open to M.S. and PhD. level graduate students that are working in production agriculture.

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