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Pyrethroids on Wheat in Mississippi: Does it Pay? Updated

🕔06:54, 30.Jan 2015

Its decision time in wheat. One of the questions we often get is “I am about to apply a herbicide, should I add a pyrethroid?” This is one of the few times I would have to say “Yes” to a question such as this. I think it makes sense to do so.

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2015 Delta Ag Expo, Cleveland, MS – January 21 and 22, 2015 Updated

🕔11:27, 16.Jan 2015

Find attached the agenda for the 42nd Annual Delta Ag Expo to be held in Cleveland, MS on Wednesday, January 21 and Thursday, January 22, 2015. We hope to see you in attendance at the Bolivar County Ag Expo Center.

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2014 Wheat Variety Evaluations for Tolerance to Metribuzin Herbicide Updated

🕔16:22, 12.Dec 2014

Metribuzin is an important herbicide for controlling numerous weed species in wheat. However, wheat varieties may differ in tolerance to metribuzin. These are the results from our evaluation of wheat varieties included in the MSU Wheat Variety Trials. This should help you better assess potential for wheat crop injury.

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Lower Cost for Poultry Litter Analysis in Mississippi Updated

🕔16:04, 4.Dec 2014

Earlier this year the Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory lowered the fee for poultry litter analysis. Nutrient content of litter used for fertilizer varies up to 60%. Crop producers should have a recent analysis of litter so appropriate land application rates

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2014 Row Crop Short Course – End of Pre-Registration Updated

🕔11:32, 21.Nov 2014

The 2014 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Bost Extension Center on the campus of Mississippi State University on December 1-3, 2014.  Attendance is free of charge if you pre-register.  Pre-registration is available until November 26.  Registration

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2014 Row Crop Short Course Preliminary Program Updated

🕔15:14, 7.Nov 2014

The 2014 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Bost Extension Center on the campus of Mississippi State University on December 1-3, 2014.  Attendance is free of charge if you pre-register.  Pre-registration is available until November 26.  Registration

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Keys for Seeding High Yielding Wheat Updated

🕔14:05, 10.Oct 2014

Wheat can be successfully established and grown using many planting methods, but several management practices can certainly enhance your potential for growing a productive crop this season. Those practices include timely planting, appropriate seeding rates and methods, suitable seedbed preparation and fall weed control.

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2014 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔15:53, 6.Oct 2014

On behalf of the Mississippi State University Extension Service, we would like to cordially invite you to attend the 2014 Row Crop Short Course to be held at the Bost Extension Center on the campus of Mississippi State University from

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2014 MSU Short List of Suggested Wheat Varieties Updated

🕔17:52, 23.Sep 2014

This publication lists those wheat varieties which have demonstrated superior productivity in the MSU Wheat and Oat Variety Trials and summarizes their characteristics. This impartial information should help you better assess wheat varieties which are best suited for your farm.

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Supplemental Coverage Available for 2015 Mississippi Winter Wheat Updated

🕔15:35, 4.Aug 2014

The Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) crop insurance endorsement will be available to winter wheat producers in Bolivar, Coahoma, Sunflower, Tallahatchie and Washington counties for 2015. SCO was authorized in the Agricultural Act of 2014 and will provide an indemnity payment

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Preliminary Wheat Variety Yield Data Updated

🕔17:20, 1.Aug 2014

Preliminary yield data from the 2014 MSU Wheat Variety Trials are now available. This article provides suggestions for analyzing and making variety selection decisions using this data.

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Is My Soil Moisture Sensor Broke?

Is My Soil Moisture Sensor Broke? Updated

🕔07:43, 26.Jun 2014

The importance of soil moisture sensors is becoming more evident as we continue forward this growing season. Today (Monday, June 16th), we received a call regarding sensor readings that were assessed early this morning. The following are the data discussed in this scenario.

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Influence of Rainfall on Insecticide Efficacy Updated

🕔13:29, 2.Jun 2014

Every year at some point during the season we seem to hit a rainy spell where it seems to rain at some point every day and we have showers widely scattered across the state. It started raining last Wednesday and we have had some rain everyday since then and it is currently raining in Stoneville right now (Monday morning). With that, the questions start about how long you need to spray before a rain to get acceptable control.

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Armyworms Showing Up In Wheat Updated

🕔09:45, 14.May 2014

Over the last few days I have had several reports of true armyworms showing up in wheat. Most of the calls I have received so far have been numerous worms at the ground level starting to defoliate up the plant but head clipping has been very minimal. Once wheat reaches the dough stage it is very difficult to show any yield benefits from treating armyworms in the absence of head clipping simply from defoliation. However, we have numerous fields that are still in the milk stage and susceptible.

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2014 Insect and Disease Scout School Dates Set Updated

🕔17:05, 12.May 2014

The dates for the 2014 Scout Schools have now been set. We will be providing detailed information on identification, biology, thresholds, and management of the major insect and disease pest of Mississippi row crops. These trainings can also be used to renew your insect and disease consultants license and CEU’s for Certified Crop Advisors will be provided at each. The meetings will also serve as In-Service training opportunities for MSU-ES agents as well. These trainings are great for the experienced and the inexperienced.

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Wheat Disease Update: May 4, 2014 Updated

🕔15:48, 4.May 2014

Even though additional foliar wheat diseases have been observed throughout MS, I still consider this to be one of the cleanest wheat crops I have seen. At present, extremely low levels of leaf rust have been observed in two locations, stripe rust on a few protected plants in Stoneville, Septoria leaf blotch, glume blotch, and tan spot have all been reported in the MS wheat crop.

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New Neonicotinoid Pollinator Protection Labels Updated

🕔17:03, 1.May 2014

We have had several calls in recent days as news gets out about the EPA’s recent label changes for neonicotinoid insecticides. The intent is to offer greater protection for pollinators in and around crops where this class of insecticides may be applied. Basically, the new language forbids the use of these products while bees are foraging and until flowering is complete and all petals have fallen off the plants. There are a few exceptions if certain criteria are met.

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Should You Make a Wheat Foliar Fungicide Application? Updated

🕔15:35, 26.Apr 2014

Decisions to apply a fungicide to wheat should be based on the specific variety planted, response of the particular variety to foliar diseases that could impact yield, growth stage at time of decision, and whether or not the environment has been conducive for disease development. At present, foliar disease that could reduce yield have not been observed in commercial wheat fields.

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Wheat Disease Update: April 21, 2014 Updated

🕔12:08, 22.Apr 2014

Wheat diseases remain extremely scarce throughout the MS wheat production system to date. No leaf rust, stripe rust, or Septoria have been observed to my knowledge. However, bacterial leaf streak has become a regular observation in most wheat fields.

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Wheat Foliar Disease Update: April 11, 2014 Updated

🕔16:52, 11.Apr 2014

Wheat diseases have been essentially non-existent this winter. No rust to report and very little of much any other foliar diseases is great news for our wheat farmers.

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“Bee Aware” Flags Ready for Distribution Updated

🕔08:39, 26.Mar 2014

Recently several groups in Mississippi came together and developed then adopted a set of Cooperative Standards for row crop farmers and beekeepers in an effort to increase awareness of pollinator’s and create an environment where each could coexist while minimizing any

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Calibrating Insecticides in Row Crops Updated

🕔12:00, 20.Mar 2014

I have gotten numerous question about calibration of in-furrow rigs this year, so I am republishing an article I put up in the past that breaks calibrating pesticides down to a very easy understandable level. Proper calibration can mean the difference in control or failure of a product against the targeted pests and potentially thousands of dollars of savings to the grower.

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2014 Spring Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations for Wheat Updated

🕔09:03, 26.Feb 2014

Wet, saturated soils and variable environmental conditions certainly complicate issues associated with nitrogen fertilization of wheat fields in the Mid-South. This article gives guidelines for getting better wheat response to your fertilizer dollars.

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2014 Mid-South Ag Forum at the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show Updated

🕔15:13, 21.Feb 2014

The 62nd annual Mid-South Farm & Gin Show will be held February 28 – March 1, 2014 at the Cook Convention Center in Memphis, TN.  More than 400 exhibitors from more than 40 states will be on-hand showcasing the latest

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Late Winter Pyrethroid Applications in Wheat for Aphid Control

Late Winter Pyrethroid Applications in Wheat for Aphid Control Updated

🕔14:15, 12.Feb 2014

Over the last several years we have seen a consistent response in wheat yield when a pyrethroid was used during the late winter months (late January-February). Often when this application goes out it is very difficult to find aphids at

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