2017 Upcoming County Meeting Schedule

2017 Upcoming County Meeting Schedule Updated

🕔10:22, 11.Feb 2017

MSU Extension is hosting a series of meetings to be held throughout the state to prepare growers for the upcoming season.  These meetings will focus on market outlooks, variety selection, weed management, insect and plant disease management, and other current crop production

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2016 Soybean OVT Foliar Disease Ratings: Maturity Group IV

2016 Soybean OVT Foliar Disease Ratings: Maturity Group IV Updated

🕔17:42, 19.Jan 2017

The MSU OVT soybean locations were rated for disease during the 2016 season. Multiple diseases were rated at multiple locations. In the past, Cercospora leaf blight and frogeye leaf spot have been the two main diseases rated. In 2016, Septoria brown spot as well as target spot were included in the ratings.

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2016 Mississippi County Meeting Schedule – Finalized

2016 Mississippi County Meeting Schedule – Finalized Updated

🕔10:28, 14.Jan 2017

MSU Extension is hosting a series of meetings to be held throughout the state to prepare growers for the upcoming season.  These meetings will focus on market outlooks, variety selection, weed management, insect and plant disease management, and other current crop production

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2016 North MS Maturity Group IV and V Variety Trial Report

2016 North MS Maturity Group IV and V Variety Trial Report Updated

🕔10:11, 13.Dec 2016

A Maturity Group IV and V variety trial was conducted in Verona, MS at the NMREC during the 2016 season. Yield and disease data are included in the attached report for all entries contained in the trial (RoundUp, Conventional and LibertyLink).

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2016 Soybean Variety Demonstration Program Summary

2016 Soybean Variety Demonstration Program Summary Updated

🕔17:50, 4.Nov 2016

The On-Farm Soybean Variety Demonstration Program is conducted using a set of varieties with proven performance.  These varieties are grown in a production setting on various soil types and management systems around the state. Demonstration sets for both maturity group

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2016 Soybean Stem Canker Variety Trial Evaluations

2016 Soybean Stem Canker Variety Trial Evaluations Updated

🕔13:32, 3.Nov 2016

The cultivars contained in the Mississippi State University Official Variety Trial (OVT), as well as a few added cultivars, were field-evaluated for their susceptibility/resistance to stem canker. Trials were conducted in Stoneville with toothpick-inoculated plants during the 2016 season. Tables contain the average ratings (on a 0-9 scale) as well as an assessment of resistance to stem canker (R, MR, MS, S) based on the ratings conducted.

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MS Chapter ASA Meeting – November 9th

MS Chapter ASA Meeting – November 9th Updated

🕔15:25, 12.Oct 2016

The 2016 MS ASA Annual Agronomy meeting will be held Wednesday November 9, 2016 at the Grenada Co. Extension office.  A wide range of topics will be discussed including Iron chlorosis concerns for soybeans to winter forage strategies for livestock.

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Delta Area Rice Grower Meeting – November 17, 2016 Updated

🕔08:10, 5.Oct 2016

The 2016 Delta Area Rice Meeting will be held at the Bolivar Co. Extension office on November 17, 2016. Mississippi rice producers, industry professionals, and other interested parties are invited to listen to presentations from MSU research and Extension faculty

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Soybean Disease Update: September 7, 2016

Soybean Disease Update: September 7, 2016 Updated

🕔21:03, 10.Sep 2016

Foliar diseases continue to be observed throughout the MS soybean production system. Cercospora blight, frogeye leaf spot and target spot have been commonly observed. Soybean rust continues to be observed at low levels in areas where the disease has occurred following the rainfall received over the last month.

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Soybean Disease Update: August 21, 2016

Soybean Disease Update: August 21, 2016 Updated

🕔22:16, 21.Aug 2016

Following the rainfall received over the past 10-14 days soybean diseases have greatly increased. Septoria brown spot, target spot and soybean rust (in isolated geographic locations) have all increased throughout MS.

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Identifying Late Season Soybean Growth Stages

Identifying Late Season Soybean Growth Stages Updated

🕔22:19, 19.Aug 2016

As we approach soybean physiological maturity, determining the specific soybean growth stage can aid in several important management decisions. Distinct differences exist between the R6 and R6.5 growth stage.

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Soybean Harvest Aids

Soybean Harvest Aids Updated

🕔22:04, 19.Aug 2016

Over the past week, following the excessive rainfall received through most of the soybean production area, several calls have been received regarding soybean seed sprouting in the pods.

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Cotton Disease Update: August 19, 2016

Cotton Disease Update: August 19, 2016 Updated

🕔21:04, 19.Aug 2016

Due in large part to the continued wet weather, cotton diseases have been on the increase over the past two weeks. Boll rot, bacterial blight and target spot have all been observed throughout the MS cotton production system.

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Bacterial Panicle Blight of Rice Observed in Multiple Delta Fields

Bacterial Panicle Blight of Rice Observed in Multiple Delta Fields Updated

🕔15:54, 18.Aug 2016

Bacterial panicle blight has been a rare disease in MS rice production systems.  Over the past several years, bacterial panicle blight has only been observed in years when high temperatures occurred for extended periods of time during flowering.  The specific

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Soybean Root Disease Update: August 3, 2016

Soybean Root Disease Update: August 3, 2016 Updated

🕔06:11, 3.Aug 2016

In addition to the current foliar disease situation, root diseases are becoming widely observed throughout the MS soybean production area. Two of the more commonly observed diseases over the past several weeks have been taproot decline (TRD) and root-knot nematode foliar symptoms as a result of galling. Scouting for the presence of root-knot nematodes at this point in the season will aid in decisions for next season’s crop.

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Foliar Soybean Disease Update: July 30, 2016

Foliar Soybean Disease Update: July 30, 2016 Updated

🕔07:04, 30.Jul 2016

Foliar diseases continue to be observed throughout the Mississippi soybean production system. Low levels of frogeye leaf spot, Septoria brown spot and target spot have been frequently observed following the rainfall of the past two weeks. The first soybean rust on soybean was observed on Friday in Rankin County, MS on a single leaf in a field of R4/R5 soybeans.

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Rice Leaf Blast Confirmed in Mississippi

Rice Leaf Blast Confirmed in Mississippi Updated

🕔20:24, 24.Jul 2016

Leaf blast has been observed in the MS rice crop for the better part of the last three weeks. In most cases, lesions were observed in areas of fields where the floodwater was less than four inches.

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Soybean Disease Update: July 16, 2016

Soybean Disease Update: July 16, 2016 Updated

🕔11:51, 16.Jul 2016

Save for the appearance of a few common foliar diseases, the soybean disease situation remains fairly quiet. Septoria brown spot appears to be the most commonly occurring foliar disease. Scout fields for the presence of nematodes as well as stem diseases now to aid in next season’s decisions.

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Reminder: MSU-Farm Bureau Joint Field Day July 19, 2016 (start time 7:30 am)

Reminder: MSU-Farm Bureau Joint Field Day July 19, 2016 (start time 7:30 am) Updated

🕔01:30, 15.Jul 2016

The MSU-DREC Rice Producer Field Day will be held in conjunction with the annual Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Summer Rice Grower Meeting this year on the morning of July 19 at the Capps Center in Stoneville.  The MSU-DREC Rice Field Day will

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Corn Disease Update: July 4, 2016

Corn Disease Update: July 4, 2016 Updated

🕔07:33, 5.Jul 2016

The corn disease season continues to be somewhat quiet. Few if any foliar diseases have been observed throughout MS. Southern rust continues to be observed in western and southern MS; however, the disease has only be observed at low levels (one to two leaves) in all situations to date.

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Fungicide-Associated Phytotoxicity: Update Following 2015 Observations

Fungicide-Associated Phytotoxicity: Update Following 2015 Observations Updated

🕔07:06, 2.Jul 2016

Over the past several years, phytotoxicity has continued to be an important topic of conversation. Phytotoxicity can ultimately result following the application of numerous fungicide products.  The specific symptoms associated with phytotoxicity can appear as interveinal chlorosis (either mild, moderate

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North Mississippi Row Crops Field Day: August 11, 2016, Verona, MS

North Mississippi Row Crops Field Day: August 11, 2016, Verona, MS Updated

🕔06:39, 2.Jul 2016

The North Mississippi Research and Extension Center Field Day is scheduled for August 11, 2016 from 8 am to 1:30 pm with lunch provided.

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2015 Frogeye Leaf Spot Fungicide Evaluations

2015 Frogeye Leaf Spot Fungicide Evaluations Updated

🕔16:28, 19.Jun 2016

Numerous fungicide trials were conducted during 2015 to determine the efficacy of fungicides on frogeye leaf spot. Included in this post are the majority of the soybean fungicide trials conducted at R2, R3, and R5 in Stoneville, MS on a FLS-susceptible soybean variety. A total 39 different product or product combinations were evaluated. A summary table is included to highlight a specific product and the trials that particular product was included in.

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2015 Root-knot Nematode Soybean OVT Gall Ratings and Yield

2015 Root-knot Nematode Soybean OVT Gall Ratings and Yield Updated

🕔17:34, 18.Jun 2016

The entries contained in the MSU soybean OVT were screened for their sensitivity to the root-knot nematode during 2015. Contained within this blog post are the root galling responses of 133 entries as well as the yield from the RKN infested location.

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Soybean Disease Update: June 18, 2016

Soybean Disease Update: June 18, 2016 Updated

🕔16:39, 18.Jun 2016

Soybean diseases continue to be observed throughout the MS soybean production system. Over the past several weeks calls have centered on Septoria brown spot, Southern blight, and some limited questions regarding soybean rust.

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