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Posts From Erick Larson, State Extension Specialist - Grain Crops

2011 MSU Wheat Variety Yield Data Updated

🕔10:48, 1.Jul 2011

Preliminary yield data from the 2011 MSU Wheat Variety Trials are now available.

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Late Season Corn Irrigation and Termination Updated

🕔00:35, 1.Jul 2011

Much of our late March planted irrigated corn is now reaching dent stage and will continue to fill kernels for another 20 days, if we help it do so. Therefore, you do not want to forgo any practices which may mitigate stress or pest issues yet. This article highlights irrigation needs and termination during the final growth stages.

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Drought Stress and its affect on Corn Pollination and Early Grain Fill Updated

🕔18:04, 23.Jun 2011

Despite Mississippi generally receiving abundant yearly rainfall, we often experience substantial drought stress growing corn. The timing of rainfall and the ability of our soils to store moisture are critical to corn productivity. This article explains how drought stress and irrigation management may influence corn productivity during the early grain filling stages.

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After the Flood: Row Crop Replanting Updated

🕔01:49, 10.Jun 2011

MSU Extension Service and MAFES researchers have compiled the following suggestions and information regarding replanting and managing row crops after the flood. Also included is post-flood crop insurance information.

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When is Wheat No Longer Vulnerable to Herbicide Injury Updated

🕔11:11, 13.May 2011

Many folks have inquired about specific information regarding wheat vulnerability to herbicides. This article specifically describes and contains photos to help identify the critical hard dough stage, when wheat is generally no longer vulnerable.

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What to Expect from Later than Normal Corn Planting Updated

🕔00:24, 6.May 2011

One of the current corn research initiatives at Mississippi State University is a project evaluating corn productivity to later than normal planting dates, particularly when grown with irrigation. The preliminary results may be pleasantly surprising for some growers stricken with stand loss or delayed by rainfall.

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Trying to Promote Wheat Harvest prior to Floodwater Updated

🕔17:03, 4.May 2011

Floodwater from the Mississippi river and other drainages threaten to destroy many acres of wheat which are ripening and approaching harvest. Many are wondering if there are any methods to hasten wheat maturity or permit harvest before floodwater destroys the crop.

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Implications from Hail Damage on Young Corn Updated

🕔11:44, 29.Apr 2011

Fortunately, young corn can sustain severe physical injury without suffering yield loss, because the growing point is below the soil surface. However, you need to wait 5 days or more to fully evaluate recovery or potential stand loss.

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Grain Sorghum Hybrid Suggestions Updated

🕔15:34, 25.Apr 2011

Following are a few hybrid suggestions for dryland Grain Sorghum or milo production in Mississippi.

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How to deal with Glyphosate Resistance and Weed Issues in Corn Updated

🕔12:45, 21.Apr 2011

Increasing populations of glyphosate-resistant and other herbicide-resistant weed species demand we adapt our corn weed control systems to address specific issues and prevent new ones. This may require you to implement strategies for a specific weed, plan on multiple herbicide applications, and improve your application timing.

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Will Corn Sustain Injury from Sand-Blasting? Updated

🕔16:16, 15.Apr 2011

Strong winds sand-blasted young, emerged corn plants in many fields this week. Fortunately, corn can sustain considerable vegetative damage during early growth stages without limiting development or yield.

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Identifying Glyphosate Drift Injury on Wheat Plants Updated

🕔18:18, 23.Mar 2011

Identifying off-target herbicide injury may be difficult when a definitive pattern is not readily apparent, substantial acreage is involved, or distance is considerable. This article gives some guidelines and photos to help identify glyphosate drift on wheat, so that you can manage appropriately.

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Key Corn Verification Findings Updated

🕔00:02, 12.Mar 2011

One of the objectives of this program is to identify key production limitations, so the Mississippi State University Extension Service and Experiment Station can better direct efforts to develop innovations for our specific problems. This is a summary of such limitations documented during the past few years.

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How to Plant Corn for Higher Yields Updated

🕔16:01, 11.Mar 2011

Corn is quite unique because much of its potential productivity is determined during the planting process. Thus, corn is often much more responsive or dependent on variables implemented during the planting than other Southern crops. This article gives planting guidelines for enhancing corn profitability.

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Spring Nitrogen Fertility Suggestions for Wheat Updated

🕔15:12, 4.Feb 2011

There are several keys to successful wheat nitrogen fertilization in Mississippi. Split application of nitrogen fertilizer is likely more important for wheat than any other crop, including corn. This is because wheat nitrogen fertilization occurs during the wettest months of the year – in a high rainfall, warm regional climate conducive to nitrogen loss.

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2010 Soybean And Corn Variety Trial Data

2010 Soybean And Corn Variety Trial Data Updated

🕔14:29, 10.Jan 2011

We have posted our official variety trial results for soybeans and corn. You’ll find a link at the bottom of this post that will take you to our variety trial listings for both crops. The results are available as both

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