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Posts From Erick Larson, State Extension Specialist - Grain Crops

What is Appropriate Timing for the “Tassel Shot” on Corn?

What is Appropriate Timing for the “Tassel Shot” on Corn? Updated

🕔15:58, 29.May 2015

More growers are implementing different “tassel shot” inputs as part of their corn management program. Wet weather and other issues may further complicate application timing of such inputs. This article discusses whether specific timing makes a big difference or not?

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Tire Traffic Soil Compaction Effects on Corn

Tire Traffic Soil Compaction Effects on Corn Updated

🕔13:25, 28.May 2015

As a lot of our corn approaches tassel, issues associated with tire traffic soil compaction are becoming more evident. This article discusses the consequences.

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When Should I Start Irrigating My Corn?

When Should I Start Irrigating My Corn? Updated

🕔10:05, 15.May 2015

The recent stretch of dry weather has prompted much conversation about the proper time to initiate irrigation for corn. This scenario usually generates a lot more anxiety than necessary because early season wilting is certainly not something we are very accustomed to.

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Use a Sound Corn Nitrogen Strategy to Combat Rainy Weather Updated

🕔17:31, 24.Apr 2015

Abundant spring rainfall can create havoc with corn nitrogen management by delaying fertilizer application and also promote massive nitrogen loss. These strategies should help enhance crop response during challenging conditions.

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Wheat Disease Update: April 24, 2015

Wheat Disease Update: April 24, 2015 Updated

🕔10:35, 24.Apr 2015

For the most part the Mississippi wheat crop is clean with regards to foliar diseases. However, some important issues are occurring that need to be addressed with regards to Fusarium head blight, stem maggot feeding, and general herbicide injury as these three issues can easily be confused with one another at the field level.

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Grain Sorghum Planting and Seeding Recommendations Updated

🕔16:16, 10.Apr 2015

Strong markets are driving Mississippi growers to plant a lot more grain sorghum than what could have been, considering the recent development of Sugarcane aphids as a threat to sorghum production. This article gives guidelines for getting your sorghum crop off to a good start.

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Are We Going to Get this Corn Crop Planted? Updated

🕔17:53, 7.Apr 2015

Much like the last 2-years, as rains delay corn planting progress, more concerns arise regarding whether you will have ample opportunity to plant your corn crop in a suitable time window. This article states new guidelines for late corn plantings based upon recent MSU research.

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2015 MSU Grain Sorghum Hybrid Suggestions Updated

🕔16:40, 18.Feb 2015

This effort lists those grain sorghum hybrids which have demonstrated superior productivity in the MSU MAFES Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials and neighboring University trials. This information should help you pick well-suited sorghum hybrids for Mississippi.

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2015 Spring Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations for Wheat

2015 Spring Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations for Wheat Updated

🕔14:23, 12.Feb 2015

Environmental factors play a substantial role in nitrogen fertilization for wheat producers in the Mid-south. This article gives guidelines for getting optimal wheat response to your nitrogen fertilizer.

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2015 Delta Ag Expo, Cleveland, MS – January 21 and 22, 2015 Updated

🕔11:27, 16.Jan 2015

Find attached the agenda for the 42nd Annual Delta Ag Expo to be held in Cleveland, MS on Wednesday, January 21 and Thursday, January 22, 2015. We hope to see you in attendance at the Bolivar County Ag Expo Center.

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2014 Wheat Variety Evaluations for Tolerance to Metribuzin Herbicide Updated

🕔16:22, 12.Dec 2014

Metribuzin is an important herbicide for controlling numerous weed species in wheat. However, wheat varieties may differ in tolerance to metribuzin. These are the results from our evaluation of wheat varieties included in the MSU Wheat Variety Trials. This should help you better assess potential for wheat crop injury.

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2014 Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Results Updated

🕔13:10, 26.Nov 2014

The MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program evaluates superior corn hybrids from numerous seed companies who market corn in Mississippi. Our objective is to provide you more opportunity to evaluate premier corn hybrids and substantially supplement the independent and unbiased information gathered in the University Hybrid Trials.

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2015 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids

2015 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids Updated

🕔16:55, 30.Oct 2014

This effort lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior productivity in the MSU Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. Approximately 80 corn hybrids representing the vast majority of seed companies in the Mid-South participate in the MSU hybrid trials. This information should help you better assess corn hybrid productivity and improve your success in future seasons for either irrigated or dryland culture.

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Keys for Seeding High Yielding Wheat Updated

🕔14:05, 10.Oct 2014

Wheat can be successfully established and grown using many planting methods, but several management practices can certainly enhance your potential for growing a productive crop this season. Those practices include timely planting, appropriate seeding rates and methods, suitable seedbed preparation and fall weed control.

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2014 MSU Short List of Suggested Wheat Varieties Updated

🕔17:52, 23.Sep 2014

This publication lists those wheat varieties which have demonstrated superior productivity in the MSU Wheat and Oat Variety Trials and summarizes their characteristics. This impartial information should help you better assess wheat varieties which are best suited for your farm.

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When is it safe to Apply a Grain Sorghum Harvest Aid and what to Expect? Updated

🕔08:45, 14.Aug 2014

Many growers in the Mid-South apply a herbicide shortly prior to sorghum harvest to facilitate combine efficiency and suitable grain moisture. This season, this issue is even more critically important because of severe harvest problems potentially created by White Sugarcane aphid infestation. This article will discuss appropriate timing and potential outcome of such harvest aid applications.

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Preliminary Wheat Variety Yield Data Updated

🕔17:20, 1.Aug 2014

Preliminary yield data from the 2014 MSU Wheat Variety Trials are now available. This article provides suggestions for analyzing and making variety selection decisions using this data.

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What Should You do about Late Southern Corn Rust? Updated

🕔09:54, 1.Aug 2014

Southern corn rust continues to be observed throughout MS. We continue to receive calls regarding late fungicide applications (> R4/R5) to reduce yield losses attributed to southern rust. Numerous myths regarding the disease have been widely spread throughout the MS corn production area including death of a corn plant in as fast as 7 days following southern rust infection and lodging as a result of heavy southern rust infection.

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White Sugarcane Aphid Update – 8/1/2014 Updated

🕔09:48, 1.Aug 2014

White sugarcane aphid infestations are increasing across the state and more applications are going out to manage this pest. Over the last week to 10 days we have heard about numerous fields that have received a second application. Remember, that the Section 18 label for Transform states that no more than 2 applications can be made in a field.

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“It ain’t over till it’s over!” / Turnrow Talks Updated

🕔10:18, 21.Jul 2014

“It ain’t over till it’s over!” Amazing as it seems, several producers have not laid poly pipe. After the five plus inches of rainfall we received last week, some producers are questioning the need to lay pipe this late in

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Vulnerability of Corn to Late-Season Issues?

Vulnerability of Corn to Late-Season Issues? Updated

🕔12:08, 19.Jul 2014

Corn is not immune to yield loss until physiological maturity occurs. However, it is not nearly as vulnerable during late reproductive stages. This article includes a chart which should substantially help assess the risk of potential corn yield reduction during late reproductive stages.

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Will We Need to Irrigate Our Corn Again?

Will We Need to Irrigate Our Corn Again? Updated

🕔23:45, 3.Jul 2014

Considering the abundant rainfall during June and the corn crop progressing closer toward maturity, many are wondering whether additional irrigation may even be needed. This article discusses how to make that and other late-season irrigation decisions.

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Corn Disease Update: June 28, 2014

Corn Disease Update: June 28, 2014 Updated

🕔09:27, 28.Jun 2014

Foliar corn diseases continue to be observed throughout the MS corn crop. Common rust, gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, and southern corn leaf blight are all present at low levels throughout the Delta. As of Wednesday (June 25, 2014), southern corn rust had only been observed in southeastern MS (Forrest, George, Greene, Jackson, Perry, and Stone counties).

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Programing a Surge Valve Updated

🕔10:30, 26.Jun 2014

We are having lots of questions concerning the proper set up of surge valves. First,   please consider some of the basic terminology associated with furrow irrigation. We encourage you to visit       and view the video before continuing. Phases

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Is My Soil Moisture Sensor Broke?

Is My Soil Moisture Sensor Broke? Updated

🕔07:43, 26.Jun 2014

The importance of soil moisture sensors is becoming more evident as we continue forward this growing season. Today (Monday, June 16th), we received a call regarding sensor readings that were assessed early this morning. The following are the data discussed in this scenario.

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